
Raise Your Hand - Corona -- What!?

Raise your hand if your anxiety or any other mental illness is straight up crazy right now. Raise your hand if you even give a shit (pun intended) which way the toilet paper goes on the holder as long as you were a blessed individual to get some before the hoarders appeared. Raise your hand if you wish your life was back to normal. Raise your hand if you have been following the "social distancing" strategy and keeping yo ass at home. Raise your hand if you have realized how often you wanna pick your nose, itch your eyes or chew your nails. Raise your hand if you finally have decided to take all of the protocols and virus serious. Last but not least, raise your hand if you believe that everything will be okay! *Make sure not to give high fives though* Working for the school district, obviously my job is on hold. Just the week before spring break, many kids made the joke of wanting the coronavirus to shut down the schools. Who in the hell would have actually tho

This is Us

As you see the title, you may believe that this blog is about the amazing show, This is Us. But, although I wish I was married to Jack at times, this is about us. All the ones who suffer with mental illness out loud, silent or may not have an understanding at all. My understanding, personally, is that I am a fucked up individual. Anxiety, depression and sometimes manicky. Many of us think we are fucked up. Are we? Are you? or has this become out loud, talked about and acknowledged that we all existed but silently before the wave of awareness became. I won't lie, I fear many situations due to my anxiety. I fear sleep at times. I fear self destruction due to my ability to flip shit at any moment. Outside of the fact that Motley Mae does mental health awareness, I wanted to start writing what I go through each day. I go through unimaginable thoughts but I also talk myself down from the feelings created. I had a good friend tell me that he always enjoyed reading my blogs about in